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HT Clay Stabilizer

HT Clay Stabilizer

Product Name:

HT Clay Stabilizer

Product introduction:

1.Product Overview

The product is a new high temperature antiswelling agent specially developed for water sensitive reservoir. After the product is injected into the stratum, the physical and chemical reaction of the clay minerals is formed, so that the clay lattice is modified, so that it does not expand after waterThe expanded clay lattice, which is modified by chemical reaction, releases the water molecules and the lattice is reduced. By means of multipoint adsorption, the modified clay material is firmly combined with the original formation minerals, thereby removing the damage caused by the swelling and migration of the clay to the stratum. This product can prevent the moisture expansion of clay minerals in the reservoir and disperse migration, and can reduce the expansion volume of the expanded clay and restore the permeability of reservoir. The product has strong permeability and high temperature resistance, which is mainly applicable to low permeability and high temperature oil and gas layer anti-swelling operation.

2.Technical Index




Uniform liquid



HT Anti-swelling rate %300℃、24hVolume 2%


Washable rate  %


